Kristine Seitz
IG: @clickconnectlove
FB: @kristineseitz
Kristine Seitz, M.Ed, MSW, LSW is a therapist and sexuality educator practicing in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area in the US. As a therapist, Ms. Seitz works closely and personally with individuals and partners to help identify, process, embrace, and re-author their vision of their unique identities. As a sex educator, she works with individuals and groups in an interactive way through college courses or international workshops to unpack stereotypes and better understand the nuances and spectrum of human sexuality. As a qualitative researcher, she endeavors to identify and explore themes in human sexuality. Ms. Seitz is an empathic, collaborative, and strengths-based professional who through a systemic approach utilizes various modalities and approaches to both support and challenge her clients. Ms. Seitz is currently a PhD candidate at Widener University's Center for Human Sexuality Studies where her research and experience involves all aspects of technology and relationships; communication, online dating, positive impacts, revenge pornography, sexting, and use in affairs. Her dissertation specifically is a phenomenological study investigating the themes and impact of ghosting in online dating relationships. Ms Seitz is also one of the Organizing Chairs of Progressive Connexion's 1st Global Meeting on Sexuality and Technology.