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Lorrae Bradbury

Founder & CEO, Slutty Girl Problems

Lorrae Bradbury is the founder of Slutty Girl Problems and is a sex, love, and empowerment coach. As the founder of Slutty Girl Problems, she reclaims the word “slut” and encourages women to feel confident, take control, and discuss their sex lives openly without shame, judgement, or double standards. She helps women to step into their power and create the lives they crave, with concrete tools to overcome doubt and insecurity, confidently embody their best selves, communicate effectively, and get MORE from life, dating, and relationships. She combines personal growth tools, scientifically proven techniques, mindfulness, and a holistic approach to help you cultivate more joy and love in your life. Her work has been featured in USA Today, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, VICE, and many more.

Social handles for Lorrae:
IG: @Lorraejo
Twitter: @Lorraejo
FB: @Lorraeb
website to come

Social handles for Slutty Girl Problems:
IG: @sluttygrlprobs
Twitter: @sluttygrlprobs
Pinterest: @sluttygrlprobs
FB: @sgirlproblems