
Maddy Siriouthay

Co-founder & COO, Ovee

Maddy is the co-founder and COO of Ovee, a sexual and reproductive health hub that empowers vagina-havers with re-educational content, curated products and the supportive community they need to navigate their healthcare needs. She manages and produces Ovee's digital content and coordinates strategic content marketing partnerships, but "social media extraordinaire" works too. She spends most of her day reading, writing and editing articles about sex, masturbation, periods — or anything else not considered "dinner party talk." More infamously so, she also provides extremely in depth monthly period product reviews, going so far to live storying them on Instagram, earning her the unofficial crown of "period princess." Before Ovee, Maddy received her journalism degree from the Missouri School of Journalism and her M.F.A. in Design and Technology at Parsons, where she met the two other co-founders of Ovee, Courtney and Jane.

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Twitter & Instagram: @madsiriii / @oveehealth
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