Sid Azmi
Instagram: @pleasenyc
Sid Azmi was born and raised Muslim in Singapore. Hedonist by nature, her international upbringing and abounding sexual curiosity provides her with a unique perspective on sex, sensuality, and sex education. As a mother and a healthcare professional, Sid is committed to enriching the community through education, workshops, and open dialogue. She founded Please in December 2013 in hopes that it would be an integral part of the health and well-being of the community. Just this past week, she was proven correct, when Forbes released a long form bio on her journey. Sid’s journey to embracing and experiencing her own sexuality includes liberating herself from a conservative Singaporean, Muslim upbringing, devoting herself to a career in frontline healthcare, and mothering her son. Through these experiences, her empathetic gifts, and her natural swagger, she brings a bold, liberated, and holistic sexiness to Please. Sid is committed to changing the way society thinks about sex by encouraging transparent conversations, taking responsibility towards one's own pleasure and the celebrating sex as an integral part of our daily lives.